PolyLite™ CosPLA

Diameter 1.75mm
Net Weight 1kg 5kg
Color Version A - Durability with extra sand-ability Version B - Sand-ability with extra durability

PolyLite™ CosPLA is a special PLA formula designed for cosplay props application. It has been enhanced for ease of sanding, durability and paint-ability.
Both version of the formula feature more durability and ease of sanding compare to regular PLA, additionally:
Version A displays an even easier sand-ability and paint-ability.
Version B displays an even higher durability.

WARNING: It is important to wear proper PPE while sanding printed parts.

Density Version A: 1.24g/cm³

Density Version B: 1.22g/cm³

"It prints just like PLA but sands easier! I normally spray paint PLA with filler primer before sanding but this allows for the option of sanding first."

"The sanding for Version A was a breeze compared to normal pla and I feel it's plenty strong for props. Version B was stronger but I the ease of use and the finished quality of Version A outweighs the extra strength of Version B."

"I prefer to have cosplay pieces be primed in grey so the fact that it is already grey makes my job a little easier."

"Less stringy than regular Pla"

"It prints just as easily as PLA."

"Easier to sand and ready to paint with out primer"

"Prints very smooth.."

"Easily printable, didn’t change any settings and the filament performed beautifully."

"The color is really nice to work with also."

"For Version B i accidently printed it at petg temps and it printed just fine"

0.5kg cardboard spool:
Spool Inner Hole Diameter: 55±1mm
Spool Diameter: 200±1mm
Spool Width: 65.6±2mm
Spool Weight: 190±7g

0.75kg cardboard spool:
Spool Inner Hole Diameter: 55±1mm
Spool Diameter: 200±1mm
Spool Width: 50.6±2mm
Spool Weight: 125±7g

1kg cardboard spool:
Spool Inner Hole Diameter: 55±1mm
Spool Diameter: 200±1mm
Spool Width: 65.6±2mm
Spool Weight: 140±7g

2kg cardboard spool:
Spool Inner Hole Diameter: 55±1mm
Spool Diameter: 250±1mm
Spool Width: 117.2±2mm
Spool Weight: 370±18.5g

3kg cardboard spool:
Spool Inner Hole Diameter: 55±1mm
Spool Diameter: 250±1mm
Spool Width: 117.2±2mm
Spool Weight: 425±21.3g

5kg plastic spool: 32mm/300mm/160mm/819g
Spool Inner Hole Diameter: 32±1mm
Spool Diameter: 300±1mm
Spool Width: 160±1mm
Spool Weight: 819±30g
Spool Material: PP